Code Banks for GCSE Computer Science (Python3 / VB.NET)
This resource has been written to provide a base of the core tools for GCSE, which can be used off-line for students to reference whilst completing the NEA tasks.Author
Comprehensive, fully annotated code banks provide students with an accessible quick-reference and a wealth of code to adapt for their own programs.
Produced by a senior examiner, the skills covered, code explanations and examples of use are all pitched perfectly for GCSE.
- Covers all the essential programming tools that students need!
- For each tool: the purpose, syntax and varied examples with line-by-line commentary!
- Range of formats included for flexible use!
- A4 handouts
- HTML webpage
- py3/.txt files
- Aids students’ programming work in class and at home!
Really good use of different examples of string manipulation, Length, Substring, Case, Concatenation, Split, Find, Type Check, ASCII - this is a phenomenal level of examples

What do teachers say about this resource? (7700)
This is an excellent tool for teaching Python programming concepts to GCSE Computer Science students. It provides clear, well-structured examples that align closely with the curriculum, making it a valuable asset for both new and experienced teachers ... The resource is highly comprehensive, covering a range of topics from basic syntax to more complex algorithms ... The inclusion of detailed comments in the code helps students understand the logic behind each example. This helps to develop their understanding of programming concepts and how/why the yare written the way they are ... The resource enhances learning by breaking down programming concepts into digestible chunks. Each example used reinforces theoretical knowledge with the added practical application, which is crucial for understanding programming concepts by students. Its educational value lies in developing problem-solving skills and providing a strong foundation for computational thinking ... The presentation is clear and professional, with headings and subheadings that make navigation easy in the resource. The consistent formatting of code blocks improves readability and reinforces programming structures ... The resource aligns well with the AQA GCSE Computer Science specification. It also effectively addresses programming fundamentals like file handling and string manipulation... it provides a solid framework for teaching Python to GCSE students as it would help all levels of experience ... a fantastic starting point for teaching Python
I really like that the students are able to see both by running in IDLE or any IDE some example code. This can be used for so many different purposes and this is excellent for both Teachers and Students ... really good used of python and makes it really clear to read and easy to understand what the code is about. The use of comments is excellent ... this resource meets all specifications regardless of the exam board. This is an excellent generic resource which allows any teacher to learn and upskill, it is great for non specialists to learn python and it is a great for students learning and student revision ... Selection - this is excellent and great step by step buildup ... Relational Operators - really good level of examples of them all ... String Manipulation - really good use of different examples of string manipulation examples, Length, Substring, Case, Concatenation, Split, Find, Type Check, ASCII - this is a phenomenal level of examples ... Lists both 1D and 2D are excellent ... File Handling - these are great and again builds up really well