Practice Exams for A Level Edexcel Economics A
Written by an experienced teacher and senior examiner!
12 original practice papers providing full coverage of the 2015 A Level Edexcel A specification. Carefully constructed and fully cross-referenced to ensure students gain complete exam practice across the AOs!
Accurately represents how students will be assessed in the real Edexcel examinations

Practice Makes Perfect!
- Mimics the tone, style and format of the new Edexcel exam with identical balance of AOs – perfect for mocks!
- Full range of question types – from Section A short-answer questions to Section C extended essay questions
- Student-friendly mark schemes – great for quick marking and peer- or self-assessment
Case studies were engaging... and provide appropriate numeric, graphical and text data
Also available: AS Edexcel Economics A Practice Exams
What do teachers say about this resource? (7268)
An excellent resource. I have found it very difficult to find resources for Paper 3 as it is totally new in the Economics set of exams. For the other two new papers, I have been able to use the old specification past papers 1-4. There has been very little published for this paper in the new format so will be an invaluable resource to use. Also the number of full exam papers is excellent which will allow me to dip in and out but also save one of the papers to use for a mock exam. I would definitely purchase this resource for my teaching. As a new specification I have found it hard to get appropriate exam style questions to use. This resource is tailor made for this and with the range of extracts and questions available could be used as standalone tasks or as whole mock exam.
I am nervous about this unit. The author has made a very valiant attempt to provide examples of potential exam papers... The material is appropriate. It provides comprehensive coverage of the specification. It provides the necessary stretch and challenge to be expected from an A level paper.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7267)
Excellent... Particularly helpful to developa real weakness of most students namely evaluation which is made very clear in the mark scheme... Excellent data response and essay questions set and mark schemes very clear and helpful.
Very useful. There has been a clever meshing together of themes 2 and 4. The exam papers provide useful additional material for use as homework/ classroom / mock examination assessments. The lack of published material makes a resource such as this one invaluable... The structure of the papers replicates the published papers. The mark schemes are helpful... It will enhance revision, assessments and end examination preparation(especially for the next few years when so few examples exist).
What do teachers say about this resource? (7266)
A very useful tool... The specification coverage grid is useful to check linkage to specification. This does allow a degree of selecting papers that cover teaching undertaken... The papers provide good coverage... Questions reflect the style I expect from the exam board. Case studies were engaging and written in an appropriate style to enable students to access. These case studies provide numeric, graphical and text data that is appropriate... The pack would enhance exam technique and the amount of resources available to teachers to prepare students for examinations. The pack can be used to "train" students in exam technique, provide assessment exercises and provide additional mock papers in this world of new examination specifications... the author has done a thoroughly super job... I have recommended my existing institution purchase this material. It is excellent... A useful resource to complement the work of any busy teacher.
Overall I think that this is an excellent resource. To have four complete A Level style papers to pick from is excellent. The combination of multiple choice, data response and essay questions gives me as a teacher lots of different opportunities to select appropriate questions depending what I want the students to get out of the class or set for homework.