Practice Exams for AS Edexcel Economics A
Written by an experienced teacher and senior examiner!
8 original practice papers providing full coverage of the 2015 AS Edexcel A Theme 1 (Introduction to Markets & Market Failure) and Theme 2 (The UK Economy – Performance & Policies). Carefully constructed and fully cross-referenced to ensure students gain complete exam practice across the AOs!
Accurately represents how students will be assessed in the real Edexcel examinations
Practice Makes Perfect!

- Mimics the tone, style and format of the new Edexcel exam with identical balance of AOs – perfect for mocks!
- Full range of question types – multiple-choice and short-answer questions in Section A and data-response and extended open-response questions in Section B
- Student-friendly mark schemes – great for quick marking and peer- or self-assessment
Also available: A Level Edexcel Economics A Practice Exams
What do teachers say about this resource? (6676)
Excellent data response and essay questions set and mark schemes very and clear helpful.
What do teachers say about this resource? (6677)
Accurately reflects assessment methodology and maps to sample assessment material... the questions accurately represent how students will be assessed in the real Edexcel examinations, given the sample assessment material and other Edexcel resources... It allows students to prepare for the final assessments and understand the standards and assessment objectives required to succeed. Teachers can use this for assessments and examination preparation... it is mapped accurately to the specification.