Practice Papers for A Level OCR Computer Science

Sets of 3 original practice papers and mark schemes, available for OCR Component 1 and Component 2
Covering every specification topic between them, each trio of papers uses the same structure and questions types used in the real exam. This helps to familarise students with the exam (especially if used for mocks).
- Mark schemes combine model answers with guidance on how to award marks.
- Questions papers also provided in non-write-on (photocopy-friendly) format.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7223)
Very useful to have added up to date questions and pointers regarding how best to answer specific questions ... It's good to have different types of questions to give students confidence of their ability to apply their knowledge in different scenarios ... students learn a lot from answering different types of questions on the same topic ... Clear questions and guidance through the mark scheme make for fewer students' misconceptions ... [matches the OCR specification] perfectly
What do teachers say about this resource? (6076)
They are new questions that students haven't seen from the exam board before but covers a range of the content from the chapters ... Definitely worth investing can be used over and over again as walking talking mocks, trial papers end of chapter assessment or exam practice
What do teachers say about this resource? (8159)
Great to have an exam style paper with questions that the student have never seen before ... the questions haven't been published by the Exam board so students can use as a Trial exam... It enables them to be adaptable to the content and the types of questions that could be asked that they haven't practised... Great opportunity to really test what the students know rather than their ability to recall the mark scheme from past papers
Really useful to have more papers for exam practice.. Matches OCR H446 very well
A good resource with lots of different styles of questions to help students prepare for their exams... ... gives students more experience of exam style questions... I particularly like the range of question types included... There are detailed mark schemes to go with it... Will save a lot of time thinking of your own questions and creating a mark scheme to go with it.