A Level AQA Sociology Teaching Packs (2015 Specification)
Tackling the big issues in a big way!
Guide your students to exam success with this complete pack of lesson plans, teaching notes and activities. With full coverage of the AQA specification, each pack engages with core themes including culture, identity, gender and power.
Filled with key terms and helpful exam tips to focus students and reinforce learning – this is THE definitive guide to AQA Sociology.
Complete scheme of work- Detailed lesson plans with clear LOs including starters, mains and plenaries plus interesting homework ideas to encourage reflective thinking
Student-friendly notes
- Interspersed with contemporary case studies that breathe life into the topic – ideal support for exam answers!
- Enhanced with images, graphs and diagrams to visually communicate key sociological concepts
Stimulating activities and worksheets to vary your delivery of the topic
- Recap questions with answers to ensure students retain vital information
- Engage students in critical and theoretical debate at every opportunity
- Plus! Regular extension tasks to challenge high achievers!
What do teachers say about this resource? (9483)
The resource provides a broad-based foundation on which to build - it is comprehensive, and incorporates all elements from the exam board specification. The resource allows for consolidation and assessment, and providing answers to the tests is extremely helpful. The lesson plans are easy to follow and well laid out, with a variety of exercises to stimulate learning – which also allows for differentiation. Provision is given for student reflection of their performance which is a good exercise. An excellent resource, especially for teachers delivering the subject for the first time." - D. Thompson, Teacher & Independent Reviewer
What do teachers say about this resource? (6022)
A useful resource [for A Level].
I particularly liked some of the extension tasks and plenary tasks within the research methods sections.
What do teachers say about this resource? (6025)
I thought that this resource was well designed and a really useful support tool for teachers of social sciences - especially none specialists. I was impressed by its depth and breadth and sheer size. I especially liked the extension tasks with worksheets and model answers provided. I think resources come into their own when they save a teacher time and although some of the topics I wouldn't have necessarily taught in that order or with the same content
What do teachers say about this resource? (6023)
An excellent match to the new AQA A-level specification... This resource covers all the knowledge elements relevant to the teaching of this Unit for AS and also for A-level. The sample activities are really good and are designed to enhance and encourage debate
Excellent ideas and resources with clear notes with extension actitivies & a range of video & further research links. Brilliant for first time teachers of Sociology & for more experienced teachers. Really liked range of activties esp for starter/plenary & clarity & depth of notes with definitions. Matches spec well and shows good awareness of knowledge needed for top grade answers. - G Ries, Teacher and Independent Reviewer
- A Level Sociology
- A Level AQA Sociology (7192)
- 4.1 Education with Theory and Methods
- 4.1.1 Education
- 4.1.2 Methods in Context
- 4.1.3 Theory and Methods
- A Level Teaching Pack
- A Level Sociology Teaching Pack
- 4.2. Topics in Sociology
- 4.2.1 Culture and Identity
- 4.2.2 Families and Households
- 4.3 Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods
- 4.3.1 Crime and Deviance
- 4.3.2 Theory and Methods