A Level Edexcel Economics B Course Companions

The Course Companion for Theme 1: Markets, Consumers & Firms is endorsed for A Level Edexcel Economics B.
Comprehensive notes go beyond the textbooks with relevant, real-life examples that students can really relate to. Brimming with graphs and diagrams that engage visual learners and get students thinking like economists!
- Accessible, student-friendly notes on every topic
- Regular questions and activities reinforce learning
- Key terms defined throughout, plus a complete glossary to consolidate knowledge
- 'Learn More' activities: further study for the most able
What do teachers say about this resource? (5867)
Very good... It contains a lot of relevant factual information about the course content and good questions to provoke thinking and consolidate learning... The resource is well set out against the requirements of the course specification i.e. 1.1.2 and is clearly signposted for each topic... The resource is very well detailed in terms of notes for students to look up knowledge and understanding of certain topics within the specification... a perfect addition to revision or a source of reference (in replacement of a textbook).
Having purchased Themes 2,3 &4 previously this completes the set. I found this series to be invaluable during lockdown to help the student understand topics in a clear and concise manner.
I particularly like this resource because… Clearly laid out with a good mix of diagrams, tables and pictures to make it user friendly.
It is better than other resources because… It is understood by A level students who otherwise find some resources too complicated and unclear.
It is clear, well laid out, easily accessible resource for students and teachers alike, providing explanations, key notes and assessment questions.