BTEC First L1/2 ICT Learner Companions

The Learner Companion for Unit 1 is endorsed for BTEC
Comprehensive, brilliantly-structured companions for BTEC.
Accessible, pupil-friendly notes – interspersed with recap questions and end-of-topic activities – provide complete coverage of the unit theory.
- Each chapter covers a specific learning aim, making it easy to find what you need
- Enhanced with clear diagrams, illustrations and examples to maintain student's interest
- Recap questions test and knowledge throughout
- End-of-topic activity worksheets provide a variety of engaging options for classroom learning, homework and revision
What do teachers say about this resource? (5821)
Good resource. Topic information and activities to follow. Easy to follow for staff and students. Images to support the information... Buy this resource. Time saving. less preparation. Supportive for student revision for examination
What do teachers say about this resource? (5561)
Good resource. Covers all the topics