BTEC National in IT: Course Companions
Your go-to-guide to support teaching and learning of the mandatory units. Packed with in-depth and engaging information; fully aligned to the new specification content and assessment criteria.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12843)
A complete in-depth explanation of the entirety of the new BTEC AAQ IT Unit 1 specification ... structured in line with the specification and the content is explained in plenty of detail to ensure that it is fully useful for the course specification ... I particularly like the level of detail that is gone into on each topic, and how the new content blends with the content that has been kept from the previous version of this course ... I like that there are enough pictures to solidify the content being explained but not too many so that the focus of the book remains on the course content.
The separate links to digital and video resources are very useful ... goes into great depth about all of the content required for the Unit 1 assessment. A student could very easily use this book to revise on all of the content that would have been taught, or can be used alongside teacher input to provide all of the information during the teaching of the Unit 1 course ... Tables and diagrams are used wherever necessary to help structure and reinforce content, but not excessively used so that it is still meaningful ... Bullet-point lists are also used effectively to summarise key information at certain points through the textbook, but again not used too much to keep some variety ... It goes into enough detail to be fully descriptive as to what the assessment requirements need, and slightly more detail to encourage a sense of curiosity in students and hopefully encouraging them to explore the topic areas further
I liked the resource. It was very organised with the structure matching the BTEC national specification carefully ... it did a good job at making it relevant to students’ lives (considering their own uses of technology) and balancing the need to be informative and at the same time not overwhelming the student. There is a lot of content to cover in the course, and for this reason, it is good that you did not overload any particular section ... I liked the level of detail that was given - it understood that it was an I.T qualification and did not need to go into too much detail on the more Computer Science-y content ... That said, there was tonnes that would be useful for a computer science teacher and I found myself mentally making notes of things (e.g. I am teaching year 10’s about software classification and bits about ethical and legal that is covered in aqa GCSE).) ... It really concisely explained a great deal of subject matter knowing when to give more detail. I can see it being used by teachers as well when designing lessons to scour for examples and ideas. I also liked how interesting examples were used. For example, when talking about social media it mentioned the example of Donald Trump being banned from Twitter. It also gave a nice aside about bbc computers ... The online resources, which you usefully left a link to all of them at the start, were interesting and there was an effort to choose youTube clips that were engaging and not just informative ... if we end up offering the course I will definitely be purchasing this material ... It matches the specification really well ... The writer has taken a very careful approach structuring the sections so they match the syllabus. Writing is clear and useful and an effort is made throughout to make it engaging ... I am impressed. It looks as if this resource was a massive undertaking for the writer ... for students studying the BTEC it is an extremely valuable reference guide ... it offers concise intelligent explanations
Very detailed... I like the examples and the use of robots/self driving cars
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