'Module on a Page' Revision Posters
for A Level Edexcel Maths and Further Maths
The flow diagrams are AMAZING!!!!
Visually engaging A3 posters with concise, easy-to-learn summaries of the most popular specification topics. Help students see the bigger picture on an entire topic.
- in both photocopiable A3 and A4 formats
- Formula given separated from formulae to learn
- Diagrams and graphs illuminate key concepts
- Perfect for end-of-topic consolidation
- Use as place mats or as a classroom display
- Great knowledge organisers; perfect revision overviews before exams
Incredibly effective for revision
A Level Edexcel Maths
A handy, smart summary of the entire A Level maths course
For an overview of the whole resource, click on the Preview button.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12192)
an excellent resource for summarising the key theories, formulae and ideas within the Core Pure aspect of the Edexcel Further Maths A-Level (and AS Level) specification ... with information presented in “bitesize chunks” that are accessible and easy to follow. I believe this resource will be well regarded by students and teachers alike, and it would be something I would use to support my delivery of further pure mathematics in the classroom ... I particularly like the presentation of topics as individual sections of knowledge, that are summarised efficiently whilst maintaining a high level of academic content ... The resource gives a strong consolidation and summary of the key learning points students should have met during their A-Level Further Mathematics studies. It provides a "checklist" of key ideas for students to ensure they have fluency with, whilst also providing key facts and diagrams that assist in the revision process. It is very helpful to have the formulae that are provided in the formula booklet clearly identified, to help students recognise the formulae that need, and need not, be memorised ... The module-on-a-page posters are well presented with each topic in its own box to separate topic areas ... the layout and presentation make this resource intuitive to use and would be well-liked by students ... excellent coverage of the specification ... this resource is very comprehensive and useful ... I believe that the placemats will provide excellent support for students ... I would recommend it to colleagues
Good quality and a sensible summary of the most important things to know ... I like the way formaulae given on the formula book are in double boxes ... I like that there are graphs and images to appropriately support some of the relevant equations ... I like the way linked topics are grouped close to each other on the page ... It would be a good summary for students to review before a test or at the end of a teaching episode of a certain topic ... This resource would support revision wonderfully ... It would support independent learning and help students make their own revision cards ... not too crowded but also plenty of information displayed clearly
A very good resource, as always. I would use it with my Further Mathematics classes as an initial revision resource to gather and layout the knowledge base required ... I very much like the layout - both the “module per page” aspect and the boxes delimiting the knowledge ... it is incredibly effective for revision purposes ... The layout of many topics (like matrices, complex numbers) help to minimise the content of the textbook and highlight salient exam based content, which is ideal ... The boxes delimiting the sections help massively to clearly mark the content required for the course ... This resource matches the specification very well. It draws the salient formulae when required, but often goes above and beyond by highlighting common formulae for “exam” questions that often occur... In Year 2 content, the sum of series information in Complex Numbers is invaluable and very clear.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11488)
I really liked the idea of having everything on one page. Visually very good as a revision tool that can be cut out and used as flash cards ... Liked the flow diagrams. Liked how key information was present. Enough to secure a grade at this level ... It will enhance learning at the revision stage ... Spot on. All basics are covered. I liked how each formula that is given in the exam is clearly highlighted... The flow diagrams are AMAZING!!!!
A handy, smart summary of the entire A Level maths course that teachers can distribute to their classes to build confidence in their students ... It covers every aspect of the course (albeit necessarily briefly) and provides an at-a-glance self-check for students to see what they've covered and/or understood ... A lot of schools are using "knowledge organisers" to help embed factual knowledge in subjects. These comprehensive summaries help to do the same... All key points of the entire spec are covered. It deals with all basic methods needed for questions.
an effective resource that echoed the previous versions for the old specification, which was considered extremely useful ... The layout is clear and clean, and the information is succinct and concise ... This resource is useful in two regards. First, the "module in a page" aspect makes an invaluable resource for identifying the scope of the course and picking out topics that may need further work. Second, the flow charts are very useful for students while studying and learning integration, differentiation and trigonometry in Year 2, and also very useful once again when they are going about their revision. The structure of these flowcharts will help students learn an image to go alongside their teacher's words ... The flowcharts are incredibly well designed and laid out, especially the Integration flow chart, which contains a lot of key information. ... I feel that this is a very good resource and I would make use of it within my department
It would make a great resource for a clasroom wall or as a revision check list for pupils and Staff ... Gives a quick overview for pupils and teachers so they understand content of course.
Shows the size of the course to Year 12 students so they can see their progress as they develop through the course.
... [matches the specification] very well
A very strong resource that provides comprehensive coverage of the A-Level specification in a concise and easy-to-follow format. Care has been taken to summarise each aspect of the AS and A2 content as concisely as possible whilst providing important theory and formulae where required. These placemats would serve well in classrooms on desks or the wall as quick reminders for students whilst also providing excellent revision summaries to use ahead of final examinations. I believe this resource would be well received and used by students and teachers ... My favourite part of this resource is Mr T's Differentiation Flow Chart... love this... an excellent resource for students and something I would use within my teaching to help students order their thinking in answering questions on differentiation ... The resource gives an excellent consolidation and summary of the key learning points students should have met during their A-Level studies. It provides a revision "checklist" for students whilst also providing key facts and diagrams that assist in the revision process. The differentiation and integration flowchart can enhance learning by being used throughout the learning process to demonstrate the development of the topic as methods are developed (I would personally consider "revealing" each stage of this flowchart as a new technique is introduced) ... The differentiation flow chart presentation is excellent and easy to follow ... The module-on-a-page posters are very well presented with each topic in its own box to separate topic areas ... I would purchase this resource for my teaching, and feel that both the placemats and flowcharts provide excellent support for students
What do teachers say about this resource? (12800)
A very good resource with detailed content ... helpful and useful ... The concept of "module on a page" for Further Mathematics is ambitious as the content can be quite detailed and complicated, but the author does a good job of picking our the critical messages and relaying them ... The author did not shy away from giving concrete examples. The D1 pages were very useful ... Good resource for revision ... it will remind students of a lot of draw out the important and salient details in preparation for revision. It is a "first call" resource for my students - they will look at these to help them align the required ideas, so that they might try some exam style questions ... It matches the specification very well. The content of each chapter is present on the posters ... I used all of these posters with students as an initial resource to inspire them and sort their mentality out. ... Thank you for taking the time to make this!
The resource provides a useful overview of each module for students. The content is written in a concise and easy to follow format, that will clearly aid students in their revision for these units. It is a perfect last-minute revision companion and something that students can also use throughout their studies to follow how their knowledge of the content is developing.
The resource aligns well to the specification and covers the key aspects for each module.
This resource consolidates student learning and provides an overview of the key topics and theoretical underpinnings that they should have assimilated in preparation for examinations in these modules. They complement similar publications for A-Level Maths and Further Maths Core Pure units, providing comprehensive support for units that are often under-represented in terms of revision material or additional supporting documentation. Students are likely to predominantly use these resources to aid their revision, and the on-a-page format makes them accessible and succinct.
The diagrams within the FM1 on a page provide useful illustrations and support the theory well.
The resource matches well with the specification as it covers all the topics that are covered in the A level module for FS1 and D1.
Every chapter of the accompanying textbook has been included - almost in the exact same order.
For the D1 poster, I liked how visuals were included to try and aid understanding.
For the FS1 poster, I liked the reminder about the hypotheses as that isn't in the formula book, the simple definitions for power and size and the reminder about expected values for chi squared tests.
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- A Level Maths Module on a Page
- A Level Module on a Page
- A Level Maths Topic on a Page
- A Level Topic on a Page
- Revision Posters
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- A Level Edexcel Further Mathematics 2017
- AS Edexcel Further Mathematics 2017
- Core Pure Mathematics
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