Practice Papers for A Level OCR Law
2020 specs
Exams from 2022
Comprehensive practice for the new A Level exams!
Essential exam practice
Each resource has three full practice papers of original exam-style questions that mirror the question types and number of marks in your exam board’s sample assessment materials. Indicative content is provided for every question for marking guidance.
Another fantastic resource that students and teachers will find extremely useful!
Ideal for revision and mocks:
- designed for the 2020 specification
- follow the structure and style of the OCR SAMs
- cover the A Level topics thoroughly
- offer original scenarios to encourage new analysis opportunities
Flexible! Questions can also be set for mock exams or as revision for key topics, homework or extension work.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11485)
I was very impressed by the resource. There have been a number of recent changes to the OCR specification which has resulted in changes to the number of marks awarded for certain questions. This resource has the up to date marks for the questions. All of the questions reflect the current spec content and are reflective on the kind of questions OCR have indicated could be asked through their specimen papers and training courses. In addition the corresponding mark schemes are detailed and formatted in the same way OCR format theirs. The layout of the exam questions and the mark scheme mirrors that of the exam board so it will prepare students well for the real exam.
Teachers (whether experienced or not) often find it difficult to write past papers for students to use. Full papers with mark schemes can be time consuming to produce. Also, teachers can be apprehensive as to whether the questions they have written are reflective of the kind of questions students could be asked in the real exam. This resource is therefore a useful reassurance and a time saver for teachers. It also covers several areas of course content.
This resource would be useful for both experienced and teachers who are new to the course. Assessment of students in fundamental to ensuring their success on the course and ability to reach their full potential. Teachers will frequently set past exam questions for students for practice, mocks or independent study. As the specification has undergone a number of recent changes there are not many past questions on the OCR website so that bank of questions would be exhausted quickly over the two-year course. This resource would prevent teachers from having to write their own past papers incurring the issues discussed above. As a mark scheme for the questions in also included, students could self or peer assess the work produced adding to the educational value.
This is a high quality and very useful resource for teachers delivering the OCR A level course
I thought the resource was generally very good - a good range of topics covered and and allowed students to address topics and elements of topics.
The resource is helpful for consolidating learning, or as mock exam practice, or as individual revision material, and would be welcomed by teachers as it saves a lot of preparation time.
Considerable value to teachers – saves a lot of preparation time and can be used in a variety of ways – as a consolidation exercise, as mock or practice exams and as an individual student revision self-assessment resource.
The layout of the answers on AO order is very helpful and supports new or non-specialist teachers and students.
I liked this resource, thought it was useful for students to identify issues, and useful for teachers to use as assessment. This resource matches well with what I would expect to see in an OCR exam.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10938)
This is a very useful resource for teachers and students alike! With a limited range of practice questions available for teachers, this resource will be extremely beneficial, where practice needs to be regular in class, in independent learning and in assessments. There is a wide range of questions which cover the entirety of the specification for H418/04 – there is limited repetition of key concepts being assessed in questions which means learners can practice their skills for the majority of the specification. There is good detail in the scenario questions which will give the learners something to apply their knowledge too and apply relevant concepts in a more focused way.
I particularly like the range of questions (as mentioned above). I also like the fact that the essays are consistent with the themes as seen by the exam boards. The OCR essay questions for contract tend to be quite niche e.g. Postal Rule, The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and therefore the essay questions in the resource are consistent with this. This means that learners are having realistic practice when attempting these questions are are more prepared for their exam.
The additional resources for the new specification are really useful as there is limited papers/assessment practice available to use in class, for homework’s and for full assessments so this will help! It’s really useful to have three full sets of papers to give a variety of practice to learners.
The mark schemes are extremely detailed and will be really useful for learners to identify the key AO for the question and how the law should have been applied in the question. This will help them to improve their own skills and be more reflective with their individual responses. The mark schemes will be extremely useful when it comes to DIRT activities!
An excellent resource overall, providing variety of questions and the ability of learners to practice their assessment skills and be self-reflective with the in-depth mark scheme!
This is a useful and much needed resource as the spec is so new and OCR have only very limited illustrations of potential questions/mark schemes. Like the fact that there are sample questions/mark schemes.
It gives students essential exam practice and teachers some guidance as to what an answer should contain.
Useful resource, matches the spec. Really useful to have a range of exam questions, particularly as many from the old OCR specification are so large. These are much more appropriate in their size. I liked the questions on the concepts of law - morality, society & justice in particular!
Very helpful to teachers and students. The Section A questions (with exceptions noted below) are clearly worded, and raise appropriate issues for students to address. I liked the range of topics covered. The Section A and evaluation essay answers contain plenty of AO3 content, which will help students to prepare for these notoriously difficult questions.
The resource has significant learning potential – the questions are generally good, and the scenario questions in particular are helpful in that they clearly signal the AO1 content that is needed, and the AO2 or 3 matters that students should address. This makes the resource helpful for teaching exam skills as well as helping teachers to consolidate AO1 learning. The resources would be good as classroom or individual revision material.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11113)
Questions were excellent & would be a very useful resource. Would be both a good classroom resource & student revision resource. The questions and scenarios were very clear; they reflect the OCR published assessment material and would be excellent to hand to students for practice. The questions cover all topics that are currently on the new specification.
on the whole this is a very useful resource and much needed. The layout mimics the OCR paper, which will put students in good stead for the real exam and the changes to the syllabus in terms of the marks awarded. This should support and compliment the resources supplied by OCR.
Overall the presentation is great. I particularly like the layout and the similarities with the OCR PAPER.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10939)
On the whole I liked this resource. It will be very useful when setting practice questions for paper 3. It is a very good match to the specification .
I liked having practice questions for paper 3 as unlike the other papers, there are no past papers on the OCR site that one can adapt.
This resource will be very important for giving students exam practice. Very pleased this has become available.
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- Paper 4 Law of Contract
- The nature of law and law of contract Component 4
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