Course Companions for BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Applied Law

Unit 1 and Unit 3 are Endorsed by Pearson for use with the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Law (2017)
Engage your students and embed their learning with these clear and concise course companions. Covering all aspects of each unit for the BTEC Level 3 National Certificate and Extended Certificate in Applied Law, these packs cover the key topics, terms and theories needed to excel in their assessments.
Perfect for the audience and will suit the ability of BTEC learners to perfection
Throughout you will find:
- Varied activities to encourage students to analyse and evaluate
- Research tasks to support independent study and discover the law themselves
- Student-friendly notes and supporting diagrams to engage and instil knowledge
For assessment success:
- Practice questions including exam-style scenario questions, provide plenty of practice and familiarise students with the assessments
- Indicative content included for easy marking and assessment guidance
- Point-by-point plans and model answers support students and build confidence
What do teachers say about this resource? (10934)
An excellent resource to make a BTEC unit engaging! It ticks all the right boxes for a teacher when planning a unit of work. It is set out in a logical format, topic by topic with all key aspects included from exam tips and concise theories to practice questions and key terms. It’s will help busy teachers save time in preparing lessons and their teaching of this unit.
I like the clear and concise knowledge of the key topics that are studied throughout the unit. Perfect for the audience and will suit the ability of BTEC learners to perfection.
Good links to cases throughout, without being too many.
The format is very clear and concise. The clear table of contents and key terms are very useful to guide through the pack and understand difficult concepts.
The practice questions throughout the pack are very good for assessing learning and allows the students to apply the knowledge for every topic. The questions are for each topic which makes the practice available very comprehensive.
The layout is very clear for the target audience – teachers and students. The guidance/contents at the start and throughout are easy to navigate and allows for ease of use of the entire resource.
The resource matches the outline of the Unit 3 – BTEC specification very well – it clearly identifies the relevant topics and sub-topics that need to be taught. It identifies the relevant assessment information at the beginning of the pack. All the activities and practice questions are very relevant to the assessment format, this will give students the ability to practice their skills effectively before their actual assessment.
The top tips for the exam and assessment focus is very good! The top-tip for the highest grades is very good! This is exactly the thing teachers need to support students with accessing the top grades in this BTEC unit.
It enhances student’s ability to understand the key content that is required in this unit. There is not an overhwhelming amount of content which means it will be easier for BTEC students to grasp. The range of scenario questions will enable students to practice their skills of application, essential in preparing them for their assessment. The clear and easy to understand top-tips for the exam and assessment focus table at the beginning of the booklet will enable students to have the best chance of success. This is a very beneficial educational resource as it also frees up teachers from creating lengthy activities and booklets of knowledge – it is very good to promote independent learning and is well worth the money!
It would be a useful companion to students studying on the applied law course. It would help them to prepare for the assessment at the end of Unit 3. It also provides teachers with resources for independent study and additional practice questions to set students. The activities are purposeful and the information gained by the students in completing them would be needed in the assessment. It would sit well alongside classroom teaching for this unit.
I liked the way the a lot of the activities were labelled AO1, AO2 etc which matches the assessment objective from the exam board. It covers all aspects of the specification and uses the same labelling (A, B etc) as the specification Essential content.
The activities, for example the ones on page 4 are clearly labelled AO1, Ao2 etc so students can see which of the assessment objectives they relate to. They also offer students the opportunity to develop their research skills, the activity on p6 is an example of this. Other activities such as the ones of p5 require students to use other skills such as compare which they can often struggle with.
Applied law students often struggle with the exam element of the course, preferring the coursework aspects as a result they often experience high levels of anxiety when preparing for the exam. As the resource contains tips for preparing for the exam, activities which help to recap and deepen understanding of key aspects of the unit content and opportunities to practice exam questions it will help students to feel more prepared for this unit. The resource has key terms for each area (examples on p4,7,13,15) can be easily turned into flashcards for students to use to revise from.
The layout is very clear with each section of the specification taken in turn and in the same order as the specification ( see previous link to content of the unit). The use of boxes helps to break the information down into smaller chunks for students.
Yes, I feel it would be useful for students to use. The college has an emphasis on independent learning. Parts of the resource could be set either before the topic is taught in class as flipped learning or as a recap / revision after the classroom teaching has taken place so it is a versatile resource.
It is a comprehensive and useful companion to unit 3 which is useful for students and teachers of the course whether or not law is the area of specialism. It is much more detailed than the course approved textbook and would be cheaper for schools/colleges than purchasing the textbook. It also contains law which is up to date.
It’s a useful revision tool and a helpful guide for students and teachers - I imagine this would be most helpful for teachers who are new to the specification and/or teaching law as it would form a good base to start from.
I particularly like the scenario questions which deal with each area of the specification, it’s closely linked in style to the unit 3 exam.
I like the self-research activities - these are vocationally relevant and really enhanced by referencing to the assessment foci involved. The activities on insanity and automatism are especially good, I would definitely use these with my students as nice learning research/revision activities.
I also really like the mini mark schemes for the activities, these are useful for teachers so that these activities could be used for formal assessment - this improve a significant weakness of the applied law course in that there are not enough practice assessments - I would buy this resource for this reason alone. The mark schemes are also useful for students doing self-directed practice questions.
Referencing the Assessment objectives throughout the work is really useful for both students and teachers. It’s great to see a resource made for applied law and not just adapted from an A level spec.
I especially like that the resource always refers to the learning aims so that students pick them up straight away and they are embedded.
I also like that each section starts with key terms.
I absolutely would [purchase this resource] - I’d ideally want to get this to my students by December to act as a revision workbook for the January sitting of the applied law exam. I would instruct learner to add in cases for their notes.
Generally, this is a good basic resource that has all the main key concepts and knowledge that is needed to answer an exam question.
The initial section "Students' Introduction" is a useful part of the document, it is good information for the students to know and will help them to understand what is being looked for in the exam.
I do like how the offences clearly highlight the AO1 and AO3 aspects and also the inclusion of practice questions which can allow students to apply the law back in practice.
Each section having visuals (diagrams) makes it much clearer for students to understand the elements of each of the offences.
Theft is well broken down using the initial diagram, making it clear what students will need to consider, and explanations of each part are also clearly broken down and well explained.
The 'quick quiz' in the Defences section is a good idea to review and consolidate student knowledge. Having tasks like this throughout would be a good way to test understanding of all content rather than just one small section.
The point-by-point marking criteria within the model answers is a great idea.
This resource will surely give students a good understanding of what is expected of them in an exam, the basic elements to include within an answer and also a good idea of the structure needed to answer an answer to a good standard.
Identification of AOs throughout answers are well presented. Headings, subheadings make the different sections clear. Good use of key terms at the beginning of each section adds further clarity for students.
I think it’s a useful resource for revision. I liked the way that the resource is presented. It’s very clear and as a result it doesn’t look overwhelming. The use of diagrams at strategic points is nice, for example the visual representation of the four stage test for unlawful act manslaughter on page 11 is a nice inclusion and there is space around it for learners to add to and annotate that diagram.
I really like the predictability of the structure and the use of the key terms box to start things off
I think this would be a really useful resource to give as a revision guide and would be particularly successful for learners who were targeted as a ‘pass’ as it would give them the basics of what they needed to know.
Having used this spec in conjunction with the endorsed textbook it clearly covers all of the key topics.
I really like the way that it matches the exam requirements and that is what I would use this for, to help in revision once first teaching is complete.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10935)
A very thorough, well thought out and effective resource... The short answer questions are neat and to the point, fitting this level of content well. Content is clear and accurate. Short, concise details are ideal for the embedding of information in student memory. This is an ideal revision resource for students. Information is broken down nicely. Matches Pearson BTEC well... The scenario questions are well written and detailed. These are a good example of the types of questions students would face.
A good resource that covers all the relevant areas and focuses on guiding the learner towards the assessment outcomes. It provides a guide for learners on this unit all in one place.
I like the scenario practice and the clear structure.
Overall the resource is very useful to aid the learning of unit 1 BTEC Applied Law. It consists of good notes which in particular will help students for revision but also can be used in the classroom as an additional resource.
I like the notes given in this being concise and have having the key terms section at the top.
It enhances learning by providing learners with a resource which has the notes needed for the exam and covers all relevant content in a simple way.
The resource matches the spec well as it covers all the relevant criteria for the examination.
It would be a useful companion to students studying on the applied law course. It would help them to prepare for the assessment at the end of Unit 1. It also provides teachers with resources for independent study and additional practice questions to set students. The activities are purposeful and the information gained by the students in completing them would be needed in the assessment. It would sit well alongside classroom teaching for this unit.
Applied law students often struggle with the exam element of the course, preferring the coursework aspects as a result they often experience high levels of anxiety when preparing for the exam. As the resource contains tips for preparing for the exam, activities which help to recap and deepen understanding of key aspects of the unit content and opportunities to practice exam questions it will help students to feel more prepared for this unit.
The layout of the information is clear and accessible the boxes for key terms will be particularly useful for students. The tables for the advantages and disadvantages of the types of ADR is very student friendly. They can try and match the points made to make well developed evaluative paragraphs which contain both an advantage and a disadvantage
I feel it would be a useful resource for students. It is more interactive then the textbook. A lot of the activities can be completed by students independently so it would meet the college's independent learning agenda. It could also be used to help students working remotely
Excellent. Very useful for my students. Supplements my handouts & materials.
It saves me time working out new practice questions for students to use as practice. it is specific to BTEC Applied Law and it fits the specification well as it follows it methodically.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12266)
The resource follows the learning aims clearly and is well structured. I liked the different problem questions that helps students to practice their application skills. This resource is a useful resource for learners undertaking this unit as it provides a step by step guide of what is required for each learning outcome. It matches the specification very well - clearly matched.
A good resource to help students prepare for the coursework unit especially for non-subject specialist teachers. The activities in particular would be useful preparation for the students to help them produce good quality coursework. In my experience students tend to struggle with evaluation and application in particular, so a chance to practice these skills would be very welcome.