A Level AQA Practice Exam Papers: Paper 1 and Paper 3
For A Level AQA 7192 4 unique exam-style practice papers

Perfect for mocks; your students will be fully prepared to succeed in their examination!
- Carefully designed to cover every topic on the specification
- Command words and mark tariff matched to the exam board
- Original papers – not available from AQA
Put students in the place of the examiner!
Clear student-friendly mark schemes include answer content and
marking guidance. Students see how marks are awarded, improving
exam technique.
Write-on and non-write-on versions for added flexibility
The educational value is huge - they provide students with the opportunity to really understand the demands of the exam before they sit it
What do teachers say about this resource? (10649)
A good range of exemplar questions ... It gives pupil more practice exam questions to use in revision
New takes on classic questions and obviously a fresh mind has come up with some interesting material. I think what I like best about this resources is that it is original.
[It matches the spec] superbly.
Useful - the more questions with indicative content and a mark scheme the better ... useful for less experienced teachers
What do teachers say about this resource? (10175)
Excellent. This is a very good resource to supplement student assessment either as homework or in preparation for the final examination in testing conditions.
Followed the format of the exam board examination papers closely and included a mark scheme. Terminology was consistent with the exam board too.
An excellent complimentary resource and questions to give students that they could not look up in advance - it provides an accurate assessment of student knowledge.
This resource will test students' examination resilience. Practising answering questions in exam conditions is good preparation for the final external examinations.
There is a very close alignment between this resource and the specification. For example, the key terms and concepts used - quantitative / qualitative data, positivist sociologists, structured interviews, official statistics, etc. Students will know these terms - it will test their ability to answer an exam paper in testing conditions.
It is always good to find new material to help my teaching and improve my students' experience.
A nice mixture of questions across the crime and deviance topic. [Matches the specification] excellently. All of the topics are relevant and questions follow in a good way. Mark scheme is is comprehensive [with] excellent list of indicative content and sources. Questions and mark scheme both have a true likeness to past exam questions.
It's always useful to have exam questions and a mark scheme that students can use.
- A Level Sociology
- A Level AQA Sociology (7192)
- 4.1 Education with Theory and Methods
- 4.1.1 Education
- 4.1.2 Methods in Context
- 4.1.3 Theory and Methods
- A Level Practice Exam Papers
- A Level Sociology Practice Exam Papers
- A Level Practice Papers
- 4.3 Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods
- 4.3.1 Crime and Deviance
- 4.3.2 Theory and Methods