Revision Guides for GCSE (9–1) AQA Media Studies
Student-friendly revision notes and activities for the 2017 GCSE (9–1) AQA Media Studies specification. Includes key content for the Component 1 and 2 exams in bite-sized chunks – easy to use and perfect in the run-up to exams or as end-of-topic summaries.
Revise it!
For each topic…
- Helpful overview pages summarise the key info – including key terms and definitions and essential exam information
- Engaging and concise revision notes maximise retention – includes annotated products, mind maps and diagrams
- Progress checklists encourage students to record revision progress and return to areas they are struggling with
Test it!
For each topic…
- Dynamic revision activities check and apply understanding – including crosswords, table fill, annotation tasks, odd one out, memory recall, quizzes
- Plus! Extension activities to test your most able!
- Exam-style questions help put knowledge into practice – includes student-friendly mark schemes and indicative content in a checklist format to ensure all the key points are covered
- Answers for all activities included – perfect for self-marking
What do teachers say about this resource? (12651)
Fantastic resource! This resource covers the concepts of Media Audience and Industries comprehensively. It breaks down the content of the exam paper clearly in to the components of media theory and the requirements of the examination paper. The activities provide opportunities for the students to work systematically through the exam paper... The keyword sections are very useful. A comprehensive glossary of terms with examples of how to use them in the exam room. I also like the context information regarding the institutions behind the close study products. The facts are presented in an engaging way... Sometimes it is difficult for students to understand the connection between the core theoretical concepts and the order of the examination paper. By breaking it down into media audience and industries for them it should hopefully clarify any misunderstanding that they have and improve the focus on the question in their responses... Layout and order is logical and clear... The content of the resource is pitched at an appropriate level... The range of practice exam questions utilises appropriate command words (as specified by AQA) and covers a range of question types (short, medium and long form). Fantastic!
What do teachers say about this resource? (12647)
Very student friendly. It breaks down the content of the exam paper clearly in to the components of media theory and the requirements of the exam paper. The activities provide opportunities for the students to work systematically through the exam paper... The keyword sections are very useful. A comprehensive glossary of terms with examples of how to use them in the exam room. I also found the inclusion of screenshots from the CSPs to be a good visual reminder for the students to assist with their revision... Sometimes it is difficult for students to understand the connection between the core theoretical concepts and the order of the examination paper. By breaking it down into media language and representation for them it should hopefully clarify any misunderstanding that they have and improve the focus on the question in their responses... The resource matches the specification. The content of the resource is pitched at an appropriate level and the products discussed are the correct ones for examination papers in the 2024 series/onwards... The range of practice exam questions utilises appropriate command words (as specified by AQA) and covers a range of question types (short, medium and long form).
- GCSE Media Studies
- GCSE AQA Media Studies (8572)
- Media One Section B
- Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
- Lara Croft Go
- The Daily Mirror
- The Times
- Radio 1 Launch Day
- Black Widow
- Black Pink
- I, Daniel Blake
- Arctic Monkeys, I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
- GCSE Revision Guide
- GCSE Media Studies Revision Guide
- Media Two Section A
- Doctor Who
- His Dark Materials