Most resources from ZigZag Education are in the form of photocopy masters. The purchasing site is licensed to make unlimited copies for students attending that site, forever.
Welcome to ZigZag Music!

From Mozart to Miles Davis and Bach to The Beatles – find inspiring resources to teach the set works and wider listening pieces at every level! Plus, composition guides, dictation activities and terminology packs support you and your class through every assessment.
"Outstanding‘’ resources written by passionate and experienced teachers, examiners and subject specialists who know how to pass on their knowledge and enthuse students.
With the right amount of scaffolding and extension to suit all learners – no matter their musical background – and robust quality and technical checks, your students won’t miss a beat!
If you teach GCSEs and/or A Levels, please let us know which specs and areas of study you are teaching to help support development for your specification!
Inspiring the next generation of musicians!
My goal is to provide high-quality teaching resources that save you valuable time.
Every resource has been meticulously researched and planned to engage your students critically and creatively, while ensuring they excel in exams.
In turn, I hope this will encourage students to form a deep and meaningful relationship with music.
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@ZigMusic ZigZag Education
'An excellent and much-needed resource! Appropriately challenging and stimulating with an interesting range of activities... A perfect match to the specification.' E Russell, Teacher and Peer Reviewer
‘A must for any GCSE music student! From start to finish, students are guided clearly along their learning journey, to successfully answer exam questions. I could not add anything to enhance this fantastic resource!’ K Tout, HoD and Peer Reviewer
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- GO EDITABLE add 50% to also get resources on CD in Word+PDF for easy printing & editing