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Larkin, Philip

Coventry and Oxford

Philip Arthur Larkin was born in Coventry on 9th August 1922, the second child of Sydney and Eva Larkin. During the 1920s and 1930s, Sydney Larkin was an admirer of Hitler and the Nazi regime and made a number of private visits Germany, taking the teenage Philip with him on two occasions. Later in life, Philip Larkin preferred not to talk about these visits or his feelings about them. Alongside his fascist sympathies, Sydney was a keen reader of modern literature and, under his influence, his son was introduced to writers such as Thomas Hardy, George Bernard Shaw, T S Eliot and D H Lawrence.

Philip was initially educated at home, before attending King Henry VIII School in Coventry, where he contributed poems to the school magazine and became a member of its editorial team. Though he was not always one of the school’s most outstanding students, Philip did well in his exams and went up to Oxford in October 1940, having been exempted from military service in World War II because of his poor eyesight. This was an unusual time to be a university student, as most of his generation were away fighting. Coventry itself was heavily bombed in November 1940 and Larkin made an anxious trip back to his home city to ascertain news of his parents, who had, in fact, survived the attack. This and other aspects of his time at Oxford were to form the basis of the plot of his first published work, the novel Jill, which appeared in 1946. It was at Oxford that Larkin first met Kingsley Amis, who was to be a close friend, confidant and literary influence throughout the rest of his life.

Professional career and personal life

Shortly after graduating from Oxford, Larkin was appointed librarian at the public library at Wellington in Shropshire, where he first met Ruth Bowman, the model for the friend in specs in ‘Wild Oats’ and with whom he was in a relationship for a number of years. While working at the university in Leicester, he met Monica Jones, a lecturer in... [Read More]
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Philip Arthur Larkin was born in Coventry on 9th August.

Visited Nazi Germany

The teenage Larkin made a couple of visits to Nazi Germany with his father, Sydney.

Went up to Oxford

Larkin studied English, graduating with a first-class degree in 1943.

First job

Larkin was appointed librarian at the public library in Wellington, Shropshire.

See the civic library in Wellington, Shropshire, where the poet Philip Larkin worked, circa 1943–1946


The North Ship published

The collection is a selection of Larkin’s early verse.

Jill published

The work is a novel that Larkin drafted shortly after leaving Oxford.

Assistant librarian at University College Leicester

Three years later, Larkin completed professional studies in librarianship.

A Girl in Winter published

Larkin’s second novel received more positive reviews than the first.

Larkin’s father died

Philip became a dutiful, if often privately resentful, son to his mother.

Sub-librarian at Queen’s University, Belfast

He stayed there for four and a half years.

Librarian at the University of Hull

Larkin filled the position until his death, overseeing significant expansion of the library and the opening of a brand new library building.

The Less Deceived published

This collection of Larkin’s poems attracted considerable critical reaction, most of it positive.

‘The Movement’

An article in The Spectator magazine associated Larkin with this literary trend.

New Lines published

The collection featured the work of nine poets, including Philip Larkin and his university friend Kingsley Amis.

Wrote articles on Jazz for The Daily Telegraph

The material formed the basis for a compilation published in 1970 entitled All What Jazz.

The Whitsun Weddings published

The publication by Faber and Faber of this collection cemented Larkin’s status as a major post-war poet.

Edited the Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse

He took a two-term sabbatical from his post in Hull to do so.

High Windows published

The collection contains some of Larkin’s bleakest poems.

Awarded the CBE

This stands for ‘Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’ and is awarded for outstanding contributions in the arts, sciences or charity work.

Larkin’s mother died

The same year, ‘Aubade’, in which the speaker expresses his dread of dying, was published in the Times Literary Supplement.

Required Writing published

This was a collection of miscellaneous prose pieces.

Offered the position of Poet Laureate

Larkin declined, not relishing the public attention that he assumed would follow.


Larkin became ill with oesophageal cancer and died on 2nd December, aged 63.

Collected Poems published posthumously

This included a number of more obscure pieces not found in the four previous volumes of his verse.

Selected Letters published

This collection of letters to various friends and associates caused a reaction against Larkin in some circles for its apparent misogynistic and racist views.

Biography published

Andrew Motion published a biography of Philip Larkin.

BBC television programme on Larkin

Terry Eagleton, then professor of English Literature at Oxford University, described Larkin as ‘defeatist’ and ‘mean-spirited’, and as ‘rais[ing] futility to an art form’.

Larkin with Women produced

The play, produced at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough, was based on Larkin’s unusual love life.

Larkin at the head of ‘The 50 Greatest British Writers Since 1945’

The list appeared in The Times newspaper.