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Heaney, Seamus

In 2009 two-thirds of the poetry collections sold in the UK were by Seamus Heaney, and since his death in 2013 he has remained one of the most popular poets in the English language. Heaney’s work has been admired since the appearance in 1966 of his first poetry collection, ‘Death of a Naturalist’, which achieved immediate success. Heaney’s appreciation by the general public has been accompanied by praise from critics and scholars. His many literary prizes culminated in the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature of 1995, ‘for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past’.

Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 at a small farm in County Derry (also known as County Londonderry), Northern Ireland, where he lived until he was 14, when the family moved to another farm nearby. Heaney was very conscious of his background; his nationality, Irish Catholic identity and rural upbringing all feature strongly in his poems.

Seamus Heaney’s enduring popularity can be explained by his accessible subject matter and engaging style. Many of his best-loved poems deal with everyday childhood memories, such as ‘Blackberry-Picking’, or old farming practices, such as ‘Churning-Day’ in which he remembers his mother making butter by hand. However, there is nothing sentimental in Heaney’s poetry, and Heaney’s combination of vivid realism and subtle ideas owes a lot to his cultural heritage and education. He took his influences from both popular sources – what he has called the ‘roadside rhymes’ and ‘ordinary rituals of life’ – and the excellent formal education that he received. Heaney was part of the first generation of talented young working-class people in Northern Ireland able to gain a free academic education by passing a grammar school entrance examination. He made good use of his opportunity, progressing to Queen’s University in Belfast, where he studied English Language and Literature and gained a first class honours degree – a rare... [Read More]
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13th April 1939

Heaney born on a farm near Castledawson in Northern Ireland

Seamus was the eldest child of nine, with six brothers and two sisters. His father came from a family of cattle dealers, whereas his mother’s family had worked in the local linen mill.

Attended primary school

He attended a primary school where the pupils were both Catholic and Protestant.

Won a scholarship to St Columb’s College, Derry

The Catholic boarding school was 40 miles away from his childhood home. The contrast between the manual life of a farm labourer and education will characterise Heaney’s poetry.

Heaney’s brother Christopher died in a car accident

The family moved to the other end of the parish. Heaney wrote about this incident in ‘Mid-Term Break’.

Achieved a first class degree in English from Queen’s University, Belfast

He discovered Ted Hughes’s ‘Lupercal’, which inspired him to pursue poetry. He published his first poems in the university literary magazines.

Joined the Belfast Group

Heaney joined the Belfast Group – a meeting of young Northern Irish poets.


He married Marie Devlin.

University teaching post

Heaney was appointed lecturer of Modern English Literature at Queen’s University, Belfast. In the same year, Heaney’s first son, Michael, was born.

Death of a Naturalist published

Heaney’s first major collection of poems, Death of a Naturalist, was published.

Birth of Heaney’s second child

Heaney’s second son, Christopher, was born.

Another poetry collection published

Door into the Dark was published.

North published

Heaney’s most famous collection of poems is unusual among his work in that it deals directly with the political situation in Northern Ireland.

Read about the history of conflict in Northern Ireland


A further poetry collection published

Field Work was published.

Mother’s death

Heaney’s mother, Margaret Kathleen, died. He wrote about it in ‘Clearances’.

Father’s death

The Haw Lantern was published. Heaney’s father, Patrick, died soon after publication.

Elected Professor of Poetry

Heaney was elected Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford.

Nobel Prize

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Praise for rapper

Heaney praised rapper Eminem for his ‘subversive attitude’ and ‘verbal energy’, highlighting an apparently incongruous link between the two artists.


Heaney suffered a stroke, from which he eventually recovered.

Further award

Heaney was awarded the David Cohen Prize for Literature.

Human Chain published

Faber published Human Chain, which was awarded the Forward Poetry Prize and shortlisted for the T S Eliot Prize.


Heaney died in Dublin on 30th August, aged 74.