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Dickens, Charles

I am glad that I never met Charles Dickens. Dickens lived his stories; I would never have been able to know what was really behind his acting. As a man, he desired to be the centre of attention, to always be on stage and to be loved. ‘The street was his stage. He walked the street incessantly.’ (Peter Ackroyd, The Mystery of Charles Dickens, 2002) He was loud, theatrically dressed in vivid clothes fit for the stage, and constantly mimicking the people he saw and met in London. He was an actor, a director and a playwright, but we know him best for his novels.

Dickens’ novels reflect his struggles as a child and his constant effort to put things right in the world. Although beginning his life in rural Kent, his family soon moved to London. His father was put into debtors’ prison. His childhood turned into a grinding job working in a rat filled, rotting blacking factory as he provided a little income for his family. At 10 years old, he could empathise with workhouse children as he worked 10 hours a day labelling shoe blacking bottles. He also visited his father in Marshalsea prison (inspiring the setting of Little Dorrit). You can see images of the prison here: Here many people died of disease, heat exhaustion or starvation as much of the food given in charity was reported to have been taken by the keepers. Dickens stated: ‘Ignorance has a very dreadful power to fill prisons.’

Dickens has been described as ‘odd’ as a child and ‘odd’ in his relationships with women. He was a performer in life, on stage and in his work. Mary, his wife’s sister, died at 17 years old. Dickens famously kept her clothes and a lock of her hair. He wore her ring until death. This experience permeates his novels. For example, the characters Nell and Nancy died cruelly despite their heroism.

Dickens’s characters were often caricatures enabling the reader to laugh at the wealthy and sympathise with the vulnerable and poor.

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Charles Dickens was born

Born in Portsmouth.

Visit his birthplace


Moved to Kent

Dickens moved from Portsmouth to Kent when he was five. Here, he went to school and lived what are said to be the happiest days of his life.

Moved to London

His father and family moved to London.

Father and the rest of his family were put in debtors' prison

After his father was imprisoned in the Marshalsea Prison, Charles left school.

Charles worked in a blacking factory

At 10 years old, Charles Dickens worked 10 hours a day labelling shoe blacking bottles. He used this experience to create his character Oliver Twist.

Returned to school for two or three years

His father received a small inheritance allowing Charles to return to school.

Worked as a lawyer

Dickens was a lively character, mimicking others from London before turning them into characters in his novels.

Worked as a journalist

Dickens was an accomplished journalist and went on to be an editor for various publications.

Read more about Dickens as a journalist


Dickens' first story, 'A Dinner at Poplar Walk', was published

'A Dinner at Poplar Walk' was published in a monthly magazine. Dickens was not paid but was happy to see his work published.

Sketches by Boz was published as a book

Sketches by Boz, a collection of short stories, was published for 150 guineas (a large amount at the time).

Married Catherine Hogarth

Catherine Hogarth was said to be a quiet person who was a who was a 'good' Victorian wife. She had 10 children with Charles.

Wrote monthly chapters of The Pickwick Papers

The stories described the various adventures of a group of sporting men. By 25, Dickens was famous worldwide.

Sister-in-law died aged 17

Dickens kept a lock of Mary's hair, her ring and her clothes. Later, he stated that he wished to be buried next to her.

Dickens' first visit to America

Dickens was treated as a celebrity when he first arrived. However, he found Americans increasingly difficult. When he brought up the subject of Americans not paying copyright for his work, he was criticised by the press.

Dickens began public readings

Dickens had the chance to get the limelight and acting hours he had always craved. He toured the UK and America.

Dickens on stage


Formal separation from his wife

Dickens gave his wife a house after their separation and his son Charley moved in with her.

Dickens had an affair with Ellen Ternan

Ellen, or Nelly, was an eighteen-year-old actress whom Dickens met at the theatre.

Involved in train crash over the river Beult

Dickens' carriage was leaning over the viaduct. Dickens helped others to escape then filled his top hat with water to help the dying and injured.

Decline in health

Dickens never seemed to recover from the train crash. He was afraid of train journeys and suffered from anxiety. He is said to have been working and performing 'to death', even 'seeing' his dead father performing the murder of Nancy by Bill Sikes.

Dickens died aged 58

Dickens was received by Queen Victoria before dying a few months later. He was in the middle of writing The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens dies from fatigue related illness and a second stroke.

Charles Dickens' burial site