Differentiated Homeworks for GCSE Edexcel German
Edexcel Endorsed

Differentiated Homeworks for GCSE Edexcel German is endorsed for the 2016 GCSE Edexcel German Specification.
Facilitate independent learning with these comprehensive, ready-to-use homeworks for GCSE Edexcel German! Differentiated, stand-alone worksheets cover every topic in the 2016 specifications and provide carefully structured support to reinforce learning:
- Three levels of differentiation – set homework appropriate to the needs of each student!
- Each worksheet builds upon a wide range of skills, from vocabulary and reading to grammar and writing
- Plus! Translation into both English and German
- Full answers provided for easy self-, peer- or teacher marking
- Consolidate and build upon knowledge and skills already learned – no additional teacher input required!
- ‘Mix and match’ as homeworks, cover lessons, end of topic revision or classroom-based learning tasks – ultimate flexibility
- Meet the demands of the 2016 Edexcel specification and help students to develop skills for the exams.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9239)
I really like the resource, especially due to the differentiated aspect of it. I teach classes with a huge range of ability and so I require differentiated resources every lesson. Appropriate worksheets are easy to locate due to the grouping by topic.
This is a very good resource that contains a variety of appropriate and varied exercises for students to complete independently or in class. The coverage of the specification is sound and the order is logical. I feel that the increased demand on students in terms of vocabulary is very well reflected in particular - the reading texts and vocabulary exercises universally pick vocabulary that is more challenging and also words that are unlikely to be well known from KS3.