A Level AQA Practice Exercises for Listening: The Western Classical Tradition

Ready-to-use exercises on a wide range of extracts, tailored to the A Level AQA specification.

For each pack:

  • Sets of short-answer questions to prepare for the short listening tasks at the start of Section A
  • 10-mark questions to practise the skills needed to write a critical commentary on an unfamiliar extract in the exam
  • Answers for every exercise – great for peer-/self-assessment and easy marking

Use in class or set as homework for perfect exam preparation!

Area of Study 1: The Western Classical Tradition 1650 – 1910

These 20 exercises will provide a broad exposure to the genre. Covering Baroque solo concertos, the operas of Mozart and Romantic piano music, students will be well versed in this area of the exam.

What do teachers say about this resource? (9209)

This is a really good resource for developing listening skills... I like that you can develop listening over a long period of time, when students are first starting out they can use the one mark questions and then build to the 10 mark questions when they are ready for that. It is also an excellent resource for students near the end of the course because of the mark schemes which have been included... It helps students learn how to perform in the exam through practice. This is always the best way to develop student's learning and understanding both through 'worked through' examples and in exam conditions... You can dip in and out whenever you want, the audios are easily accessible anywhere so can be set for homework and is an isolated question pack that students can go to for revision and work through like a workbook... It's incredibly time saving as all of the mark schemes are readily available which is a big benefit to all teachers! The tracks are easy to locate on the internet with links provided and how much to listen to is given as well therefore supports independent learning for students.

J Craig, Customer & Head of Music

Good mix of questions and extracts suitable for exam teaching.

Variety of extracts, question style and layout typical of the style used in the AQA exam.

These questions could be used as homework or could be worked through in lessons and be more teacher-led which is good. The extracts chosen fit with the specification areas of study and give a good balance.

It matches really well and provides a good set of questions to work through either individually or as a group. They could be broken down and worked through in a lesson to develop aural skills but could equally be used as homework tasks or converted to be used in online learning.

N Squires, Subject Manager & Peer Reviewer