The Kite Runner: 'Writing About Society' Guide for AS/A Level AQA

A Level Paper 2: Exploring Conflict, Section A

Prepare your class for the challenging re-creative writing exam with these targeted guides. Each covers a whole set text in depth, analysing literary and linguistic techniques and exploring the text from new angles – with re-creative writing advice and practice throughout.

A really supportive resource that knows the spec well and provides broken-down approaches to the questions

N Maloney, Teacher & Peer Reviewer
  • Preparatory material introduces the context and plot of the text for essential background
  • Introduction to re-creative writing with top tips, practice exercises and sample answers with commentary
  • Progressive chapter-by-chapter study:
    • Detailed and accessible analysis of key features of the chapter
    • Varied activities, including consolidation questions, discussion questions and active learning tasks, to strengthen knowledge of the base text – answers included
    • Exploration of underplayed perspectives to provide potential re-casting opportunities
    • Practice re-creative writing tasks for perfect exam preparation – suggestions given

What do teachers say about this resource? (8469)

I really like this resource - it provides a clear, logical and challenging approach to the text... I really like that there are model answers provided as support/structure for students... The little key term boxes are really helpful - also the further reading list is a nice input... The tasks are set in such a way that students recap their understanding then must apply that to the tasks set. The rigid structure of the tasks across the chapters is also useful as it allows students to build confidence and thus their understanding and application of this to their work... Another fabulous resource produced.

T MacCormac, Lead on English Literature & Peer Reviewer

This is a really supportive resource that knows the spec well and provides broken-down approaches to the questions – particularly the commentary element. It is also strong on the language as well as the literature terms, which can be difficult to obtain... The focus is very much on the AQA exam, and there is impressive and consistent focus on the exam questions... This resource would certainly help A Level students, particularly because the approach is often broken down to make it more accessible.

N Maloney, Teacher & Peer Reviewer