The Kite Runner: Comprehensive Guide for AS/A Level AQA B

Set text for:
  • AQA B AS & A Level

A heart-wrenching story depicting the bonds of love, family and friendship juxtaposed against the destructive rise of the Taliban regime – plenty of room for class discussion. Make use of these detailed study notes to guide your students through the highs and lows of the novel.

Clear analysis allows students to appreciate the story as well as the political statement, while pull-out boxes ask students to explore the key points of context, debate, interpretation and reader response to focus student learning.

A well-presented, thoughtful resource that could be used for different examination boards

M Tett, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Engage your students!

Includes debate prompts; active learning tasks; further reading suggestions; key literary and linguistic terms; practice essay questions throughout!

Tackles the key stages of text analysis:

  1. Walk-through
    Thorough section-by-section commentary walks students through each chapter
  2. Drawing it all together
    In-depth discussion of whole text focuses on: characterisation, relationships, genre, themes, attitudes and values, language, form, structure, context, literary approaches
  3. Indicative content
    To support teaching by making sure all key areas are covered

Plus! A glossary of key terms ensures full understanding

There is a healthy appetite for this with A-level students and it gives them the opportunity to read more widely and consider the novel through the exam board’s chosen lens

T MacLean, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

What do teachers say about this resource? (6618)

Excellent! Very helpful. The detailed notes on each chapter and characters/themes helped my own subject knowledge! The suggested tasks are thought provoking... You can copy the resources to use again and again! Definitely get this resource! Great value for money and very informative.

A Holmes, HoD & Customer

Very good... I like the chapter-by-chapter focus; the way each chapter includes lots of relevant information and also a range of activities and tasks for students to work on. It is a well-presented, thoughtful resource that could be used for different examination boards.

M Tett, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

It provides an academically well-written set of ideas and perspectives for students to work on independently outside the classroom. There is a healthy appetite for this with A-level students and it gives them the opportunity to read more widely and consider the novel through the exam board’s chosen lens.

T MacLean, Teacher & Peer Reviewer