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GCSE WJEC Practice Papers for the Annual Topic

Practice Papers for the exam topic

Fully prepare your students to succeed in the exam!
  • Varied questions test all key concepts
  • Variety of creative planning tasks: front cover, double-page feature article, promotional pull-out magazine
  • 3 original papers in exam style – not available from WJEC

Everything you need:
  • Design sheets and write-on papers provided
  • Student-friendly mark schemes for all 3 papers – great for self-assessment!
  • Sample answers, great for AfL: Paper 1 has C-grade answers so students can identify improvements, Paper 2 has exemplar A* answers to show them how to aim high
  • Paper 3 is an extension paper to challenge your most able with the rarer types of exam questions
Excellent examiner-style comments to allow students a detailed insight into what they are looking for in the response to questions. E Richardson, Media Teacher & Independent Reviewer
Last year we used ZigZag and eRevision - 94% A*-C GCSE results. Best ever. P Knowles, Head of Media & Customer, 2014
Feedback on previous editions
'I was impressed with the resource. The questions selected were appropriate and I thought that the example answers were really useful... It interprets the specification accurately... The wording of the questions was spot on, as were the elements included... I particulary liked the sample answers... I thought that this resource would be perfect for revision in Year 11. Classes could use the resource for practice exams. They could also take it away for independent study... A carefully thought out anticipation of WJEC exam!'S Morgans, Media and Film Teacher & Independent Reviewer
'Because the topics for study change yearly resources are pretty thin on the ground - particularly if you're managing two year groups.'C Aucherlonie, Media Teacher & Independent Reviewer
'Well put together and reflected exactly the structure of the WJEC exam. The model answers were very good and would provide some useful work with the students on how to structure the answers. The mark schemes were useful... Preparing mock exams for media takes time and if you were pushed it would be a way to ensure that the students were well prepared. I always feel that working with exam papers and teaching students how the exam papers work is a useful activity. Presentation was exactly as I would expect a WJEC exam paper to look and the questions were spot on in terms of expected rubric... The subject matter matches the specification exactly and does provide an accurate version of the marking scheme.'K Chanter, Head of Department & Independent Reviewer
'Thorough - authentic... has the structure and feel of an exam paper, and the emphasis on convergence is particularly authentic for nowadays... some good questions out of the comfort zone: eg: questions on end sequence & nationality will really challenge candidates...The answers are within the range of all abilities: lower ability pupils can aspire to these answers without being put off... presentation and layout is outstanding.'M Turiansky, Head of Drama & Media Studies, Independent Reviewer