SOS Drama Cards: Developing Independence in Drama

Accessible, self-explanatory, nicely presented, genuinely helpful... it would genuinely build independence in Drama

S Hill, Drama Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Three sets of display cards, “I can’t think”, “It’s rubbish” and “I’m finished” focus on overcoming common obstacles faced by students in developing drama skills.

  • Develops PLTS as students work to solve their own problems in groups
  • Highly versatile – presented on CD so that colour copies can be printed and laminated for classroom display
  1. Students who need help to develop their work independently use the SOS cards, based on common classroom complaints, for inspiration on how to improve their performance

  2. Students turn over their chosen card for ‘Things to Try’ and ‘Questions to Think About’ which enable them to inventively develop their own drama work

What do teachers say about this resource? (4602)

Fabulously easy to use and full of ideas and inspiration. It helps me because I can move on to another group whilst the last group works on the cards suggestion

S White, Drama Teacher & Customer

I was very impressed with these – I really liked the concept and they'd be very easy to implement. I could also see them being used as effective differentiation strategy which is sometimes hard to demonstrate in drama although we know we personalise the learning all the time. Very accessible, self-explanatory, nicely presented, genuinely helpful/ useful. I think it would genuinely build independence in the drama classroom. I thought these were a great idea and really original!

S Hill, Drama Teacher & Peer Reviewer

I thought that this was a great resource, often these are the comments that we hear [from students] and to have a card that i could laminate as an extention I feel is a fantastic idea. It enhances learning because it helps to lead [students] to independent learning, by taking a problem and solving it themselves instead of waiting to be spoonfed.

J Gillespie, Drama Teacher & Peer Reviewer

A good idea to free up the teacher. I thought some of he suggestions were very good. I like the categories and the format of the cards... It could deepen the understanding of the drama and help students to construct work which has more depth of character and more thought about sub plot, use of pauses and the structure of the drama

B Chapman, HoD & Peer Reviewer