A Level Edexcel Paper 3 Research Context Resource Pack
Paper 3 2025: Music: Recording, distribution and live performance
Give structure to the research context.
- Essential theory and concepts explained
- Every point of the context fully explored and linked to the specification
- Structured research tasks enable independent learning
Helps students to develop independence as well as providing assessment opportunities
- Comprehensive notes and activities add flexible ways to tackle each section
- Detailed case studies give students a springboard for further research and practice for the exam
- Three practice papers with mark schemes
All specifically written for the Edexcel 2025 Paper 3 Context!
- Students can log in from home
- You can set tasks & reading as homework
- Track their progress
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Save a lot of teacher planning and research time
Visual, ICT resource based which makes it interactive and very accessible... Affordable... time-saving genius
Brilliant. I purchased two others but ZigZag’s was the best!
I like that there is flexibility in how the linked tasks could be used... I like that some of the activities & challenge activities are there to promote discussion as well as assessing knowledge
What do teachers say about this resource? (12594)
Excellent. It was very detailed and comprehensive. Lots of relevant facts and figures and student friendly. I am going to purchase this as our students will benefit tremendously from it. This matches the specification closely and provides the students with the relevant information needed to make an informed decision on the music industry.
High quality content throughout. The sources of information quoted provide accurate information regarding the value of the market and changes to the industry in recent years.
Changes in the popularity of vinyl records is a particularly good research activity, given the potential product life cycle, PESTLE, marketing and other business models that can be applied to the resurgence of vinyl’s popularity. The detail of the data collection and what the trends show and could mean, is very useful and provides many solid examples for data response style exam practice questions.
The ‘did you know’ facts peppered throughout are interesting and provide neat little bits of information that can be easily recalled by the students, making the resource accessible to the target audience.
Detailed case study information and research, accompanied by engaging activities for students to supplement the resource with their own research and examples, make this resource a useful resource for classroom and homework.
Activities are a good mix of identify, explain, analyse and evaluate, asking students for justification when opinions are asked. Though one activity asking students to visit independent music shops in the area may be difficult for some students, depending on setting and location. The resource activities are well structured to get the students conducting their own research in to the prerelease content of the music sector, while also providing them with good examples of already completed research they can use as a guide.
Research activities are also included, enhancing students understanding of both the pre-release content and the subject topics. Learning is enhanced as students are asked to consider additional examples, impacts and factors of the case study and research material provided. Links to the topics is evident throughout.
Activities in the main resource are best suited to classroom activities and homework, rather than exam practice, due to the nature of the structure required.
This is a resource I would happily buy for my department and trust to provide significant guidance to my students. The content is very well researched and the links between theory and case study or specific example materials is very good. Consideration for learning outcomes is evident and there is scope to turn much of this into research activities for my own students to conduct as part of a class revision activity or a homework to supplement their learning as we complete the content this year.
In class, as part of a revision exercise, I could take sections of this resource and provide it to smaller teams/groups within the class. Each group would have a specific specification topic to cover. They could then apply that topic, using the resource section they have been provided, and put together their own revision materials/exercises or additional research. This can then be shared with the other groups so that each group is working on a different resource of their own that can be used as a central depository of revision.
For homework, sections of this resource can be used to pose questions about links to specific content covered in the specification and students can be asked to supplement the resource with their own research, which can then be shared in class.
Case studies very good.
This resource covers the paper 3 briefing sheet issued by the examination board. The case studies with questions extend the assessment material beyond the examination papers and mark schemes also within the package. The topic briefings are quite engaging and could be used flexibly by teachers.
There is a lot of material here. The initial material seeks to raise awareness of students. The later material (the case studies with questions and the examination papers) seeks to provide useful assessment materials. This material works well.
This package will enhance learning. It provides teachers with important topic information as well as provide assessment material. It can be used in class or out of class for research and homework activities.
This resource does match the pre-issue appropriately. Questions and mark schemes for the examination papers are appropriate and accessible.