A Level Edexcel B Paper 3 Research Context Resource Pack
Paper 3 2025: Economic conflict and trade-offs
Give structure to the research context.
- Essential theory and concepts explained
- Every point of the context fully explored and linked to the specification
- Revision questions enable independent learning
Helps students to develop independence as well as providing assessment opportunities
- Comprehensive notes and questions add flexible ways to tackle each section
- Detailed case studies give students a springboard for further research and practice for the exam
- Three practice papers with mark schemes
- Extensive list of diagrams, calculations and keywords to cement the background knowledge
- Tasks with teacher/delivery notes for each of the bullet points
All specifically written for the Edexcel B 2025 Paper 3 Context!
- Students can log in from home
- You can set tasks & reading as homework
- Track their progress
Preview the resource now at eRevision.uk
Save a lot of teacher planning and research time
Visual, ICT resource based which makes it interactive and very accessible... Affordable... time-saving genius
Brilliant. I purchased two others but ZigZag’s was the best!
I like that there is flexibility in how the linked tasks could be used... I like that some of the activities & challenge activities are there to promote discussion as well as assessing knowledge
What do teachers say about this resource? (12595)
The resource is comprehensive – with clear and easy to understand definitions and activities that are simple enough for lower ability A level students to understand. However, it also includes a wide range of definitions and activities that will stretch students of higher abilities – all students would benefit from using this.
The author has been careful to ensure that the syllabus is fully covered, with essentials (eg: PED for price elasticity) whilst also going beyond the syllabus with concepts that relate to the discussion of the material (eg: XED – cross elasticity of demand) without actually appearing on the syllabus.
I would use for general revision, definitions, practice questions, homework, peer marking and mock exams.