Mastering Maths for A Level OCR Physics
Essential grounding in all the maths skills for AS and A Level OCR Physics, worth at least 40% of exam marks. Builds confidence and proficiency in mathematical manipulation and problem-solving.
Mastering Maths for A Level OCR Physics - Basic Skills is endorsed for the 2015 AS and A Level OCR Physics A Specifications H156 and H556

For each skill:
- Step-by-step worked examples to ensure students follow from start to finish.
- Practice questions, including exam-style Physics questions. All supporting information provided, so students can hone their maths even before learning the topic!
- Full answers for easy marking; students can see where they went wrong and learn from their mistakes.
A very valuable resource...
...The routine order of sections makes it easy for students to know what they are doing, and eases use of the resource...
...Great for summer holiday study between Yr11 and Yr12
Two complementary resources together cover all requirements:
Allows you to focus on teaching the Physics rather than revising the maths. Ideal to use at any time during the course; great for homework or cover lessons!
What do teachers say about this resource? (12662, 12663)
An excellent resource for the new specification. It is helping [students] understand mathematical concepts at the start of the course. Attractive layout, easy to read, follow and photocopy. I would gladly buy this resource for teaching purposes.
A very valuable resource. The routine order of sections makes it easy for students to know what they are doing, and eases use of the resource. Great for summer holiday study between Yr11 and Yr12.