Extended Response Writing Skills for A Level Eduqas Music

A thorough yet student-friendly guide on how to write effective extended responses in Section 1 and 3 of the Eduqas Component 3 Appraising exam. Step-by-step advice and applied practice exercises for students to build writing skills and deliver excellent essay answers.

  1. Student friendly exam info – including decoding the command words and time management advice
  2. Writing skills section – guidance and activities on using appropriate register and precise musical terminology, and how to connect ideas
    • Helps students write clearly, accurately and effectively to demonstrate their musical knowledge to its full advantage!
  3. Exam practice materials such as exam-style questions, writing frameworks, model answers and mark schemes
    • Breaks down 10 mark and the 15 mark questions into manageable chunks
    • Perfect preparation for the real thing!
  4. Answers to all activities to encourage self-assessment and improvement, even during study leave.

Teach in class or hand out for independent study to support students in gaining essential writing skills and confidence for the exam!