To Kill a Mockingbird: A5 Revision Cards for GCSE

Double-sided revision cards covering all key aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird for GCSE English Literature. Flexible, bite-sized format makes revision manageable and achievable.

Provides materials of an appropriate level which supports revision very effectively

C Webb, Teacher and Peer Reviewer (Old spec Ed.)

Wide-ranging activities encourage both independent thought and productive group discussion. Detailed answers are provided throughout to consolidate and expand learning.

Covers all criteria for:
  • WJEC
Carefully matched to the AOs covering:
  • Characters
  • Key events
  • Key themes
  • The writer’s use of language, structure and form
  • Relevant contexts
  • Reception over time
  • … and more!

And after all that revision, students can complete their exam preparation with a series of practice essay questions!

All provided as photocopy masters in both A5 double-sided and A4 single-sided format.

What do teachers say about this resource? (10058)

I think the layout is very effective and tracks the requirements of the exam... There is limited amount of information per page and I think this is effective for independent learning. Overall, I think it is a valuable preparatory device for learning the first part of the [Unit 1] exam.

T Hutchinson, Teacher & Peer Reviewer