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For this unit there are 186 MP3 files, each containing a question and corresponding answer.

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Podcasts are colour-coded to indicate the following:


Straightforward questions which do not require in-depth analysis. Questions require short answers and involve students demonstrating knowledge and understanding of key theoretical content.


Questions requiring more direct thinking, explanation and involve students being able to describe and apply knowledge to sporting contexts.


More challenging questions, ideal for students aiming for a top grade. Questions require a deeper understanding of theoretical content in order to explain, apply, analyse and evaluate how factors affect performance and participation in physical activity and sport.

1. Health, Fitness and Well-being

1.1 Physical, emotional and social health, fitness and well-being

1What three components of health and well-being can physical activity, exercise, and sport improve?
2Describe the impact that physical activity, exercise, and sport can have on physical health
3What effect can taking part in physical activity, exercise and sport have on the heart?
4In what way can taking part in physical activity, exercise, or sport benefit someone when they are performing tasks such as cleaning?
5What is the benefit of serotonin being released during exercise?
6Which hormone is released during exercise and makes the exerciser feel good?
7What are the benefits of physical activity, exercise, and sport for emotional health and well-being
8Making friends is a benefit of which component of health and well-being?
9Why is taking part in physical activity, exercise, and sport a good idea for someone who feels lonely?
10What are the benefits of physical activity, exercise and sport to social health and well-being?
11What are the benefits of taking part in physical activity, exercise and sport for fitness?
12How does a reduced chance of injury benefit an individual�s fitness levels?
13How can improved fitness levels affect a builder�s ability to work?
14If a person has low levels of cardiovascular fitness, how could this affect their well-being?
15What are the three stages of creating a personal exercise programme?
16Explain the considerations you would need to make if designing a personal exercise programme for an old-age pensioner who wants to reduce the chances of musculoskeletal injuries.
17What are some lifestyle choices that people make which have an impact on their health?
18What are the negative consequences of smoking
19What are the negative consequences of consuming large quantities of alcohol?
20What are the negative consequences of having a high fat intake?
21What are the benefits of leading a lifestyle which includes regular exercise?

1.2 The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

22What is a sedentary lifestyle?
23How could an individual ensure that they do not lead a sedentary lifestyle?
24If an individual walks to work once a month but does not exercise for the rest of the month, would they be considered to be leading a sedentary lifestyle?
25In what ways can leading a sedentary lifestyle affect the cardiovascular system?
26What illnesses can be experienced as a result of a sedentary lifestyle?
27What can happen to an individual if they do not take part in exercise, physical activity, or sport?
28What is meant by the term 'obesity'?
29What is meant by the term 'overweight'?
30What is meant by the term 'overfat'?
31Name four components of fitness that can be negatively affected by obesity
32In what way can obesity affect cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, agility and speed?
33What effect can obesity have on the health of an individual?
34How can a sedentary lifestyle affect physical health?
35In what way can a sedentary lifestyle impact on an individual�s mental health?
36In what way can a sedentary lifestyle impact on social health?
37Explain how obesity can impact on performance in physical activity and how it can impact on health and well-being

1.3 Energy use, diet, nutrition and hydration

38Why can�t you just eat one type of food?
39What does a balanced diet provide the body with?
40How can an unbalanced diet lead to obesity?
41What is unused energy stored as?
42Why is a balanced diet important if you take part in physical activity?
43Name the macronutrients of the diet
44What three reasons does the body need nutrients for?
45What percentage of the diet should be made up of carbohydrates?
46Should the majority of energy come from carbohydrates, fats, or proteins?
47Which energy source should make up 25�30% of the diet?
48What percentage of the diet should be made up by fat?
49What percentage of the diet should be made up by protein?
50Should carbohydrates, fats, or proteins provide the smallest contribution to the diet?
51Which source of energy does the body prefer to use for all forms of exercise?
52Which source of energy provides the most energy during low-intensity exercise?
53Why is fat an important component of the diet?
54What is the role of protein?
55Why is it important that a weightlifter consumes large quantities of protein?
56When should a weightlifter consume protein-rich meals?
57Explain how a marathon runner could manipulate their diet in order to improve their performance
58Which component of the diet is important for the growth and repair of muscles?
59Name the micronutrients of the diet
60What role do vitamins and minerals play?
61What role does fibre play?
62Which components of the diet are important for ensuring that the body systems continue to work and general health is maintained?
63Explain what the diet should consist of and the role that each component plays
64What does the term 'optimum weight' refer to?
65What four factors can optimum weight depend on?
66How does height affect your optimum weight?
67How does muscle girth and bone structure impact on optimum weight?
68What is the difference between the optimal weight of men and women and suggest how this influences participation in sports such as rugby
69What is energy measured in?
70How many calories should the average male eat each day?
71How many calories should the average female eat each day?
72Generally, do males or females need to consume more calories each day?
73What factors determine how many calories an individual will need to consume each day?
74How does height affect calorie consumption?
75How does an individual's gender affect calorie consumption?
76What is dehydration?
77What has occurred if your body has an imbalance of water content due to not enough water being consumed compared to the amount of water being lost?
78How can dehydration be avoided?
79What can be avoided through maintaining your water balance?
80What is maintained if you drink as much water as you lose?
81How does the blood change when an individual is dehydrated?
82What is meant by increased blood viscosity?
83How does an increase in blood viscosity impact upon the heart?
84What happens to the temperature of the body as a result of dehydration?
85If the body is unable to cool itself down, what can happen?
86What can happen to your ability to make decisions when you are dehydrated?
87How can dehydration affect the muscles?
88What impact could dehydration have on the performance of a 400�m runner?
89What happens to the body when it becomes dehydrated?
90How can hydration be maintained when taking part in sport?

2. Sports Psychology

2.1 Classification of skills (basic/complex, open/closed)

91Define skill
92What is an open skill?
93What is a closed skill?
94What is meant by an external cue?
95Is a football pass a closed skill or an open skill? Explain your answer.
96What is the difference between basic and complex skills?
97Give an example of a basic skill
98Why is a handspring in gymnastics classified as a complex skill?
99Explain the difference between low-organisation and high-organisation skills
100Is the performance of a gymnastics beam routine a high or low organisation skill?
101Is running a low-organisation or high-organisation skill?
102Describe what type of skill a volleyball spike is against the three classifications of skill and justify your answer
103What is massed practice?
104What type of skills are learnt best using massed practice? Give an example.
105What is distributed practice?
106What type of skills are learnt best using distributed practice? Give an example.
107What is fixed practice?
108What type of skills are learnt best using fixed practice? Give an example.
109What is variable practice?
110What type of skills are learnt best using variable practice? Give an example.

2.2 The use of goal-setting and SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance

111What principles of goal-setting are covered by the acronym �SMART�
112What does making a target specific mean?
113Why is it important to make targets time-bound?
114It is important to do what in order to see the progress you have made towards your goal?
115Why is it important to make sure a target is achievable when creating a SMART target for another person?
116What does realistic mean in target setting?
117Why is it important that goals are recorded?
118As well as being specific, measurable, achievable and realistic, what else should a goal be?

2.3 Guidance and feedback on performance

119What are the four types of guidance?
120Which type of guidance involves the athlete watching a demonstration of the skill?
121Which type of guidance involves the athlete listening to instructions?
122What is manual guidance?
123What is mechanical guidance?
124What type of guidance is the use of floating aids when learning to swim?
125Name two types of guidance that can be used when learning complex skills with an element of risk
126Evaluate which types of guidance would be appropriate for a beginner
127Evaluate which types of guidance would be appropriate for elite athletes
128What are the benefits of using verbal guidance?
129What type of guidance is being used when a coach holds a gymnast�s legs in position during a handstand?
130Which two types of guidance allow the athlete to gain a kinaesthetic understanding of the skill?
131Why are manual and mechanical guidance appropriate methods when performing complex skills with an element of risk?
132Evaluate the use of visual guidance
133What are the disadvantages of verbal guidance?
134Evaluate the use of manual guidance
135What are the advantages of mechanical guidance?
136What are the disadvantages of mechanical guidance?
137What are the four forms of feedback?
138What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic feedback?
139What is the difference between concurrent and terminal feedback?
140Why is it appropriate for beginners to receive extrinsic and terminal feedback?
141Why is it appropriate for elite athletes to use forms of feedback which are not appropriate for beginners?

2.4 Mental preparation for performance

142What is meant by a stress-management technique?
143What does deep breathing involve?
144What stress-management technique involves visualising successful performance?
145What does imagery involve?
146Why should positive images be used during mental rehearsal?
147What does positive self-talk involve?
148Which methods of stress management can be used prior to competition?
149Explain the stress-management methods a boxer may use prior to and during a fight

3. Sociocultural Influences

3.1 Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport

150What three factors can affect the difference in participation rates between males and females in sport?
151Name the five personal factors that can affect participation in sport and physical activity
152How do role models impact participation in racial groups?
153What physical changes developed from ageing can impact on participation?
154What personal factors can affect an individual as they age?
155Name some barriers to participation between different social groups
156What can a national governing body do to increase participation rates of disabled individuals?
157What impact can an individual's socio-economic group have on participation rates in physical activity?
158What barriers do ethnic groups face when participating in sport?
159How do participation rates change with age and what could be the cause of this?
160How are participation rates affected by gender?

3.2 Commercialisation of physical activity and sport

161What is meant by commercialisation?
162What is sponsorship?
163What is the media?
164Which three factors interact to form the �golden triangle� of commercialisation?
165Evaluate the relationship between sport and the media
166Evaluate the relationship between sport and sponsorship
167Evaluate the relationship between sponsorship and the media
168Name five different types of media
169The Guardian is an example of what type of media?
170Assess the impact of commercialisation on the performers
171Assess the impact of commercialisation on the sport
172Assess the impact of commercialisation on the audience or spectators
173Assess the impact of commercialisation on the sponsors

3.3 Ethical and sociocultural issues in physical activity and sport

174What is sportsmanship?
175How could a swimmer display sportsmanship after a race?
176What is being displayed when a volleyball player shakes the hand of their opponents after a match?
177What is gamesmanship?
178How could a netball player display gamesmanship?
179What is kicking the ball away after a foul in football an example of?
180What is negative deviance?
181What is positive deviance?
182Why do some athletes display deviance when competing?
183What are the potential consequences of being deviant in sport?
184What could happen if an athlete is found guilty of using performance-enhancing drugs?
185What impact did the revelations that a number of top cyclists were using performance-enhancing drugs have on the sport of cycling?
186Analyse the use of performance-enhancing drugs on the sport and the performer