Songwriting Scheme of Work for KS3

Simplify your planning and introduce your class to essential music theory – including song structures, chord progressions and compositional techniques – with this scheme of work written for the 2014 curriculum.

It successfully combines knowledge... to create an appropriate song

L Williams, Music Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Streamline your planning and save time
  • Six detailed lesson plans with helpful timings provide ready-made starters, mains, plenaries and homeworks
  • Scheme of work outline and differentiation ideas make planning simple

I would highly recommend this resource to others

K Tout, HoD & Peer Reviewer
Get the best results from your students
  • Engaging, differentiated student worksheets allow every pupil to achieve their potential
  • Highly visual student resources help the less able to picture their composition coming together
  • Evaluation sheets encourage constructive reflection – great for AfL!

These activities are certainly going to be enjoyed

M Thiselton, Music Teacher, Songwriter & Peer Reviewer

From learning about well-known tunes to writing their very own song, pupils will build valuable listening, composing and performing skills.

What do teachers say about this resource? (6338)

This resource is excellent. Tackles songwriting in an informative and friendly manner and provides achievable and creative activities. Progresses step by step... combining practical and theoretical elements in an environment that is appealing to Year 9s. There are many creative ideas and activities that engage students with the lesson and with each other... These activities are certainly going to be enjoyed. The educational value is very high, because students are developing many skills. Differentiation is stated clearly in the lesson plans with achievable targets for different students' abilities. This is a very useful and well laid out resource... I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

M Thiselton, Music Teacher, Songwriter & Peer Reviewer

An excellent resource on songwriting for music students of any age... So well designed to take students step by step through the various processes required. A great guide through the compositional process of song writing which enhances students' learning and understanding. I like the way students are very clearly guided through topics related to composition so they grasp the basic concepts easily. I would highly recommend this resource to others.

K Tout, HoD & Peer Reviewer

Very structured resource with excellent differentiated resources to build students' understanding of chords.

D Lowther, HoD & Customer

A very well-structured scheme of work for a popular topic at Key Stage 3. I liked the way that the unit of work gradually built up the skills required to compose an effective song, and the way that it introduced key musical vocabulary along the way. There was a variety of activities in each lesson and it would be engaging for pupils. Good use of musical vocabulary that would lead into the terms used at Key Stage 4.

N Squires, Music Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Songwriting is an engaging way for students to realise and understand the skills necessary to write effective melodies... This resource successfully combines knowledge of major and minor chords and effective lyricism with the use of melodic shape and chord notes to create an appropriate song... This is a very useful resource in understanding chords and also how to write effective lyrics... Could be a useful start point for lower ability GCSE students.

L Williams, Music Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Useful worksheets and concepts.

E Ragg, HoD & Peer Reviewer