Teaching through Roles: Sport Education Guide to Games

Allows students' to work collaboratively and independent of the teacher...

...each role is very distinctive with clear and well-considered tasks suitable for that role

P. Kilroy, Teacher and Peer Reviewer.

Complete 8-week courses applying the Sport Education Model to Football and Basketball, including teacher’s guide and student workbooks for each role. Empower students to take responsibility for learning, assess performance and stay motivated as a Captain, Manager, Official, Player, Fitness Instructor or Statistician.

Flip the responsibility!

Workbooks provide opportunities for each student to plan, lead and evaluate competitive sports from the Key Stage 3 National curriculumn in PE, building towards a final tournament.

  • Focused and clear write-on tasks – for each role and every lesson – provide students with a deeper understanding of sporting roles beyond the performer
  • Concise, accessible instructions engage students as independent learners
  • Explicit Assessment for Learning (AfL) opportunities – weekly progress, peer feedback and self-assessments – ‘What went well’, ‘Even better if’ and ‘Rate yourself’
Fully Resourced...
  • Comprehensive teacher’s guide: 8 detailed lesson plans, plus overviews of the model, roles and scoring system
  • Activities provided in 2 formats:
    1. A5 write-on workbooks for students to keep
    2. A4 task sheets to pull out for each lesson

    ...Easy to prepare, facilitate and assess learning!

What do teachers say about this resource? (6303)

The step-by-step activities are clear and easy to follow... The independent nature and roles inherent to the model are explicit and well thought through. Each lesson is different and allows student to work collaboratively and independent of the teacher. I like that each role is very distinctive with clear and well-considered tasks suitable for that role... plenty of opportunity for students to lead independently. Having aims and ‘lesson focus’ makes the resource easy to use for the teachers.

P. Kilroy, Teacher and Peer Reviewer.