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Explaining the UK Judiciary

Explaining Government and Politics

Increase your students' understanding of core topics & interest them in current key political issues!

Timeless issues explained with up-to-date examples. Comes in 3 Parts:

Fully illustrated!

'Fact-packed and very informative… I liked how up-to-date the information is.… Good mix of facts, case studies and exam points… The information is up-to-date, relevant to basics behind government and politics… Its simple approach makes the information easy for the learners (and teachers) to take in and learn.'
D Long, Head of Department & Independent Reviewer

  1. Detailed notes explain the key concepts
  2. Goes much deeper & relates part 1 to Key Current Political Issues
  3. Explains how information from part 1/2 can be used to improve examination answers – 'Model Solution' with examiner's commentary provided.


  • Full and detailed explanations of each topic starting with the basics – 'What might a conservative believe?' 'What is the role of the Prime Minister?' 'What type of constitution works for the UK?'
  • Linked key 'Exam Points' show how information can be used in the exam!
  • 'Thinking Points' and 'Discussion Points' actively engage students
  • Includes both a photocopiable A4 and an A5 booklet format

Explaining the UK Parliament

Part 1 Getting to know Parliament, being an MP, functions of Parliament.
Part 2 Has Parliament lost its effectiveness? Reputation of MPs, reform of the Lords and Commons, committees.

Explaining the UK Constitution

Explaining Political Concepts

Part 1 Why are constitutions important? Understanding the UK Constitution; sources and reform.
Part 2 Fusion vs separation of powers, Parliamentary sovereignty, rule of law. Should the constitution be codified?
Part 1 What is politics? Democracy, power & authority, sovereignty, state, pluralism; conservatism, liberalism, socialism; unitary & federal, parliamentary & presidential government.
Part 2 Are there problems with liberal democracy in the UK? Power in the UK government, democratic deficit.
Fully up-to-date, including 'The conservatism of David Cameron'

Explaining the UK Judiciary

Explaining the UK Prime Minister & Cabinet

Part 1 Separation of powers, Lord Chancellor, appointment of judges, Supreme Court, role of Judges, influence of Europe. .
Part 2 Does the judiciary protect human rights? How representative is the judiciary? Judicial neutrality & independence.
Fully up-to-date, including the 2005 Reform Act new Supreme Court
Part 1 The development of Prime Ministerial power, constitutional position, formal & informal powers, the Cabinet.
Part 2 Do we still have Cabinet Government? Collective & individual responsibility, Presidential Prime Ministers, Brown & Blair: limits of power.

Resources in the same series also available for A2 Level!