Food Technology:
Introductions and Closures for KS3

Photocopiable worksheets with full answer sheets to stimulate pupils quickly into the work ethic at the start of the lesson. Excellent resource to support existing schemes of work for the start and conclusion of lessons, and can also be used for homework to reinforce topics covered in class.

Well-presented and learner friendly...

E Read, DT Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Topics covered include:
Spot the Health and Safety Hazards, Food hygiene, Food equipment recognition and use, Sequence exercises (washing up, making a sandwich, making cheesy scrambled egg), Fruit and vegetable recognition and use, Food crossword, Healthy eating multiple choice quiz, Product observation - pizza

....everything you need to complete the tasks is there

E Read, DT Teacher & Peer Reviewer

  • Can also be used for homework to reinforce topics covered in class
  • Meets the government's requirements that all lessons should have introductory and plenary components lasting 5-10 minutes.

What do teachers say about this resource? (2097)

Very good and provides varied and staged resources for an introduction to food technology. Would be suitable for a variety of uses including classwork, homework, special needs tasks, revision, extension for gifted and talented students. It is also supplied with full teachers answers making it suitable for non specialist cover. The material covers a variety of learning styles and abilities thereby supporting development and progression.

M Anthony, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Useful for Year 7 and 8 classes. The resource will get pupils focused straight away in lessons when used as starters and can test knowledge and understanding when used as plenaries. The activities were very simple and laid out well. I also liked the fact that the answers were provided!

LW, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Excellent as one off task, recapping topics and also starters. Students can do the task with little input from teacher. More resources like this please!

MK, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

An excellent resource and one I would definitely use in school. I liked the fact that everything you need to complete the tasks is there. I meets NC requirements as students are carrying out the following tasks: analysis, recall of prior knowledge, research, quality control, planning and sequencing tasks, understanding use of materials and equipment. I think it is well-presented and learner friendly.

E Read, DT Teacher & Peer Reviewer

A good, time-saving resource.

P Anderson, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Useful resource